Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Can I really do this?


 I am a math teacher, which means that I work with numbers for a living.  But I am personally friends with Stacey and have been following her blog for a number of years.  Well, time to finally give this writing thing a try.  So, I've got two more days to mentally prepare myself for blogging for the next 31 days. 

In truth, I suppose that I have much to blog about.  I teach high school math and can blog about my teaching, the students learning, things that go right and things that go wrong.  Things aren't so hot in my school right now, we're in the midst of a contract dispute and are transitioning to Common Core and Keystone Exams.  So, I have to have a lot of intrinsic motivation these days and I'm hoping this challenge will help.  

The more exciting thing for me to blog about is my children.  I am going to try to keep this blog anonymous for some personal reasons, so I will refer to my students by initials.  My son, J, recently turned 4 and my daughter, A, will soon be 11 months.  They are two funny and wonderful children and I am sure you will be hearing about them lots.  

In a nutshell, that's me.  I am looking forward to March and challenging myself in a new direction.


  1. Welcome in Advance, Rachel,
    You have SO much to say! Knowing that you will be writing with a community will power you! Just publishing to a real audience is an amazing experience and after the month is over you still have that community every Tuesday!
    You have lots to say and lots of inspiration to inspire you.
    get ready for the time of your life,

  2. I echo Bonnie's thoughts. Finding those small moments to preserve will be priceless when you look back on your stories. The audience is there and waiting to learn about you, your kids, your thoughts and life. Have fun! Aren't you the lucky one to have Stacey close at hand for support and information. I'm jealous! :-)

  3. Yes, you can do this. I look forward to reading your daily slices.

  4. We all felt like you did a few days before our first March challenge. You will have plenty of things to write about. Just keep your eyes and ears open for the little moments you want to remember.

  5. We love hearing about the children among us and...I personally want to hear from everyone across the country about the 'state of ed' in all the different parts. xo nanc

  6. I was beyond delighted to see your comment. I didn't realize you were going to take on the Challenge. Yea! (I saw A & J on Sunday at the Purim Carnival, not you. Heard you went to a bridal shower with A. Hope you had fun.) I had the goofiest grin when I moderated your comment. Welcome to our writing community! LMK if you need anything. (I have no doubt you'll be fine you tech wizard you!)

  7. Thanks, everyone! I'm encouraged already.
    @Stacey - the 30 days of thanks on facebook in November is what has inspired me to take this on. I found it really interesting to post those comments in a (semi) public forum. I missed being at the Purim Carnival, but I did enjoy the shower.

  8. Thanks, everyone! I'm encouraged already.
    @Stacey - the 30 days of thanks on facebook in November is what has inspired me to take this on. I found it really interesting to post those comments in a (semi) public forum. I missed being at the Purim Carnival, but I did enjoy the shower.

  9. Welcome! So glad that you are going to try this!

  10. Welcome! You'll be surprised how much we will learn about you through your writing. You'll be even more surprised how much you will learn about yourself. The challenge may be difficult at times, but it is worth it.

  11. I'm glad you are joining us.
    Happy writing,
